Tuesday, 29 September 2015


All of us have dreamt multiple times in our lives- some are vivid, some are vague and most are forgotten the moment we wake up. We dream almost everyday but not always can recall the dream when we wake up.

Lets just have a brief idea about what is a dream in scientific terms--

"Dreams are successions of images, ideas,emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep".

Many psychologists believe that these are thoughts in the sub-concious region of our brain which are manifested in our sleep as dreams.

In spite of our attempts to demystify the phenomenon of dreaming, human beings simply have not yet come close to answering the question “Why do we dream?” According to Jim Pagel, MD, Director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Southern Colorado, "If dreaming has an actual function, it really supports why we spend a third of our lives sleeping." For now, we will have to be content with simply enjoying the show our brain puts on for us each night.

Though scientists say that dreams are a manifestation of our inner-most thoughts, I feel that may it is something entirely different.

What if I say that a dream might be a portal to an alternate universe?
May be in our dreams we are projected through some dimension (still unknown to man) to some other spatial frame, where we see different versions of us. If you notice carefully, you would recognise that we never see our face in our dreams. Isn't that strange? Of the billions of dream all humans have each day not a single can picture one's own face . The probable reason might be that our soul can't be seen. When we are travelling in our dream its not our human self but the soul that's taking us on the ride!
I have various weird dreams often and luckily whenever I sleep I dream. It's like an adventure everyday.

The scientific truth is not known and I don't know when our dreams can be understood fully!
But I know that Dreams do hold a more powerful meaning and purpose than we realise.
May be someday it will be proved that dreams can be used as a portal though it might seem far fetched and absurd but who knows what the future will reveal!
So keep dreaming!
Dream: Portal to another Universe!

As Edgar Allan Poe had said:
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."

Sunday, 27 September 2015

The Accordion Maestro - An enchanting evening with Mirco Patarini

It was a friday evening and luckily a public holiday. My sister and I dropped by the prestigious Sandre Hall where the renowned Italian accordionist Mirco Patarini was performing.

The accordion is a free reed instrument. Its reeds are classified into treble and bass reeds. They are made to vibrate by air coming from a bellows that is operated by hand. The accordion has traditionally been used to perform folk, popular music, and transcriptions from the operatic and light-classical music repertoire.

Hohner Accordion
Source: furtadosonline.com

Mr. Mirco played a string of beautiful pieces, bewildering the audience with his deft touches and exquisite fluency.

The Capriccio no. 24 composed by Niccolo Paganini was wonderful, as were the Finale dalla sonata III composed by Vladislav Zolotarjow, Cocerto Rondo composed by Nikolay Tschaikin, Volo del Calabrone II composed by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov and the Don Rhapsodie by Viacheslav Semjonov.

The Polkas that Mr. Mirco effortlessly played were fantastic, mesmerising us and sweeping us through time and space as if we were part of a festival in an European town. The rhythm and tempo were outstanding, it was after all a maestro at work. The penultimate piece was the famous "Bumblebee" which made the audience tap their feet.

Maestro at work!
(Picture courtesy: The Calcutta School of Music)

The evening which Mirco Patarini gifted us, courtesy of Calcutta School of Music, was something the audience would cherish for a long time. The rich bass and the numerous chords of the accordion is not something Kolkatans get to experience everyday, so it was all the more special.
As the performance came to an end with a loud round of applause we headed back home with the enchanting evening engraved in our memory and with a spring in our steps.