Saturday 12 January 2019

Give Peace a Chance

"Move out"...sounds of firing...panic and cries of despair filled the air as i tried to evade the bullets running and ducking and finally jumping into a muddy trench dug for safe passage within the city!

I had a strange dream tonight. I dreamt i was trapped in a war-zone somewhere. There was mass destruction, fires, screams of helpless people. I was standing atop of a pile of rubble with fallen buildings all around me, I could feel the hopelessness and the pain of that situation.

Sipping a cup of tea and sitting at my cosy spot on a cold winter morning looking at the trees fluttering with the breeze and listening to the birds chirping is blissful. Really calms the mind and sets you up for the day to come. 

Now, if you kindly may, close your eyes for a minute and just picture yourself in your hometown- destroyed and battered by fellow human beings-- the feeling of loss and despair. Just take it in for a minute. Is it too depressing? Just do it anyway. Because as I write this sitting in my home sitting at that cosy corner and you too reading this in your couch or someplace safe there are millions who are feeling that pain which I just asked you to feel. It will never be close to what our fellow human beings are feeling in all the war-stricken areas of this planet but we might get a whiff of it and open our eyes.

Since the dawn of mankind perhaps, Humans have been killing each other. But can it not stop now? Are we not sane enough to do that? Stop the cruelty, stop the mass-murders, stop feeding of each other! Have not enough men bled and tears not shed for this lunacy to end?

There have been outbreaks of several diseases through time. Epidemics as they are called have hurt us but we have survived and the reason has always been unity.
The epidemic that has grasped the world for the last 100 years is going to end this world as we know it.
Let us all as citizens of planet Earth take a pledge to protect our only home in this galaxy from destruction by our very own human species. Let us be kind to each other and let there be no  ore walls between countries. But as I am typing I know a massive wall building (literally) is underway in a western country which claims to be the most democratic of them all.
Why not give peace a chance in this brutal world? It might solve many a problem that grips the modern world.

I firmly believe that human beings always look for peace. The core of human beings never wants to fight. Only a handful are exceptions to this rule and unfortunately this bunch are controlling positions. But what about the mass? The majority of us can unite and put an end to this. There have been revolutions in modern history and one is required now to end the atrocity and the monstrosity that is rampant around the globe. But first let that peace begin within me and then lets spread it everywhere we go. Amidst all this chaos and cruelty there is still some good left in this world and its worth fighting for. What do you think?
As John Lennon wrote in his song

" You,may say I'm a dreamer
   But I'm not the only one
   I hope someday you will join us
   And the world will be as one "


  1. Only a inner consciousness can bring a change otherwise a handful will have a grip over the mass.

  2. Very nice soumik da..I liked reading it and particularly the message it carries

  3. Very nice thought and very well put up. Looking for more blogs

  4. Very true Sir.. Well written.. But in the present time, Everything is being planned in the name of needy people and at the end they are only suffering. The leaders will have to work in real sense and anti social forces will have to reorient their aim to bring peace..
    Keep writing Sir..

    1. you are right. But everyone should start doing their part in this process. it is a challenge but not impossible. We all should believe first and start acting on it!

  5. Believe..lets might bring a change one at a time...
