Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy Beginning

Time does fly. I remember the start of 2013 vividly as if it were 5-6 months back. But time is moving in 4th gear. Another year has passed.

It was a good beginning to 2014. My cousins Muchku and Chotku had come over. We had a musical start to the new year with Chotku playing a Bach prelude on his guitar. Muchku was drowsy but lightened up seeing a Jonathan Stroud book(Heroes of the Valley). After the musical session with my sister, Mithi,  on the keyboard and Chotku on the Guitar we decided to watch a horror movie. El Orfanato. The fun and challenging part was convincing Mithi to watch the movie. Muchku and me succeeded on our endeavour and it was a good watch with Mithi getting scared at times.
Moving on, played cricket in the afternoon followed by lunch and an evening siesta. The hilarious honest trailers were great #Muchku suggested it.
The day is coming to a close as the new year kick starts I hope it turns out to be a good one.

Lets remember the lessons the past year taught us and lets strive to be better human beings and make the world a better place in our own ways.
Cheers everyone have a great 2K14!
The cousin gang..
Chotku, Muchku, Mithi, Me(from left)


  1. blogspot ate my comment -_-
    anyway...happy new year, soumik :))
    glad that you had such a good time with your cousins ^_^
    here's hoping 2014 will be a great year :D

  2. Thanx Ani..You too have a great year ahead

  3. TWINS? Identical or fraternal?

    Btw happy 2K14. Have fun and bring me 100 gram 'baali' when you visit Rajasthan next!

  4. not twins. 16months difference...
